8th Ebira Carnival: Everything You Should Know
Greetings onbehalf of the Ebira carnival group.
The Ebira carnival is an annual event, showcasing our rich cultural heritage, art and craft. The carnival over the years has brought together Anebira of various background creating a social platform for us to mingle and interact.
The carnival had also succeeded in creating opportunity for our youths to showcase their talents.
As part of the carnival objective in rebranding Ebira, we have successfully shown our carnivals across the National TV stations to the outside world .
The 8th edition of the carnival is slated as follows:
Dec.25th, 2018.
Pre-carnival picnic.
Venue: Historical beauty of
Ogohgor & Odoza-onwe, Usungwe.
LGEA primary School,
Usungwe - Okehi
Dec.26th, 2018.
Carnival procession, Cultural display and Grand command reception.
Commencement of Procession
Venue: Waterworks.
Grand Command Reception.
Time : 2pm
Venue : Opposite Dabras hotels.
Activities for this year is enormous, hence demand huge financial implication.
We thank you for your support , financially and morally, we use this opportunity to appeal for your financial contribution to make this year event successfully.
You can help with your contribution as follows:
Acct NO:1017725742.
We appreciate and await your presence as arrangement is ongoing to make a successful outing.
Thank you and God bless.
- Suberu Onimisi
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